So…your vision is poor. It needs help. And the help you’ve been applying has been in the forms of eyeglasses and / or contact lenses. For years now. Since you were a kid. And…you’re just over it. So you’ve done a little bit of preliminary legwork, and you’ve discovered acronyms that you’re not familiar with. LASIK. LASEK. PRK. What do these even mean? What to do??
At Whiting Clinic, we’re here to steer you through the entire process of laser vision correction! Let’s start with some basics: ALL of the techniques involve applying laser energy to the eye’s cornea in specific, pre-planned patterns; in fact, all techniques require access to a particular cellular layer called the stroma. The stroma lies beneath the surface of the cornea. This allows an attending surgeon to re-shape the cornea, which in turn results in greatly improved vision. The differences lie in how the cornea is prepared to receive the laser energy.
What is LASIK?
During a LASIK procedure, the stroma is accessed via creation of a LASIK flap, which a surgeon can lift and separate from the surrounding tissue, thereby exposing the stroma. The flap is typically created using one of two laser systems in a treatment suite – no blades, no needles. Once the stroma is exposed, a second laser system can then re-shape the cornea, changing the optical properties of the eye. Once completed, the surgeon replaces the LASIK flap, which begins healing at the interface immediately. This approach allows for a speedy recovery, with most patients resuming normal activities of daily living (ADLs) the very next day – with vastly improved vision!
What is LASEK?
During a LASEK procedure, an attending surgeon still needs to gain access to the stroma. However, this access isn’t accomplished by virtue of a LASIK flap being created. Rather, During the procedure, the top layer of cells, or epithelium, is treated with alcohol for about 30 seconds and detached from the underlying tissue. It is then lifted or rolled back so that the eye doctor can access the stroma. The newly exposed tissue is treated with the same laser used in LASIK. Then the top layer of cells is put into place, and a clear bandaging contact lens is placed over the treated area, promoting comfort and healing. While LASEK visual outcomes are generally favorable, it’s worth noting that complete visual recovery and outcome realization may take up to two weeks – in other words, longer than what may be experienced from a LASIK procedure.
What is PRK?
PRK is similar to LASEK in that no LASIK flap is created before re-shaping of the cornea. Unlike LASEK, however, the outermost layer of corneal cells isn’t treated with alcohol and rolled back to expose the stroma. With PRK, this outermost cellular layer is completely removed – frequently with a surgical epithelial brush along with other specialized instruments. Post-treatment discomfort and ultimate visual outcomes are similar to those associated with LASEK.
When you visit Whiting Clinic for your free consultation and evaluation, we will guide you through your journey to good vision without having to rely on eyeglasses and contact lenses. It’s our journey as well – and our commitment is to you as a valued, respected patient.
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LASEK Eye surgery. (n.d.). WebMD.