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Our eyes are amazing organs, constantly focusing light to create the world we see. The cornea and lens work together, like a team, to ensure light rays hit the retina precisely for sharp vision. But sometimes, vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia can disrupt this clarity. That’s where eyeglasses come in, and understanding your prescription is key to choosing the right ones.

Demystifying Diopters:

Vision issues are measured in units called diopters, which describe how much a lens bends light. Nearsightedness glasses use negative (-) diopters, while farsightedness requires positive (+) ones. The higher the number (in either direction), the stronger the correction needed.

Decoding Your Prescription:

Your eye doctor provides a three-part code:

  • First Number: This identifies your nearsightedness/farsightedness (negative for nearsighted, positive for farsighted).
  • Second Number: This measures your astigmatism (can be positive or negative).
  • Third Number: This indicates the “axis” of your astigmatism, specifying its direction (e.g., 180 degrees for horizontal).

Example Breakdown:

A prescription like “-5.00 -1.50 x 180” means:

  • You are moderately nearsighted (-5.00).
  • You have moderate astigmatism (-1.50).
  • Your astigmatism is horizontal (180 degrees).
eye prescription

Remember: This is just a simplified explanation. Consult your eye doctor for personalized guidance and accurate interpretations of your specific prescription. With clear understanding, you can choose the perfect eyeglasses for optimal vision!